Greens Only Bouquet
Greens Only Bouquet
At Ki House, we treat our greenery stems as preciously as our florals. The greenery bouquet includes multiple stems of high end greenery, artfully arranged by our talented designers, to be placed throughout your home.
Delivery & Pick Up
Delivery & Pick Up
For Delivery: Please note that Same Day Delivery orders cut off at 11 AM CST. If your Same Day order is received after 11 AM CST, it will go out the following business day (Tuesday-Saturday). You will receive a notification when your order is delivered.
For Pick Up: Pick Up Orders are generally available within a few hours. You will receive a pick up Notification when your order is ready.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
We are thrilled that you are purchasing living art. <3 Ki House makes a point to include stems at various stages of life so that your arrangement continues blooming for days after purchase. Your floral arrangements can remain fresh longer if you trim their stems and refresh their water every other day. They will thrive in cooler locations and will wilt sooner if they are exposed to direct sunlight. Enjoy!